Why mind rescuing our planet?
We don´t have other! There is no planet B, there is nowhere to escape.
We are in the 6th mass extinction, and it´s our responsibility and possibility to stop it.
According to scientists, with the problems of consuming the planet's resources in an unbridled way, the constant pollution on titanic scales and the constant destruction of ecosystems, we are on the way to the next mass extinction (like the one of the dinosaurs), where even the human species is in danger of ceasing to exist. This isn´t a joke.

tons of plastic enter into the oceans each year.

is the year with more plastic than fish in our oceans.

hectares of forest have disappeared in the last 10 years.

animal species that are becoming extinct every day, at least (UN).

of the world's fisheries are already fully exploited, overexploited, depleted or in a state of collapse.

environmental migrants in the world. More than those displaced by war and political repression combined.

Sustainability is when current natural resources are used without compromising those of the next generation.
At the rate we are going, in half a year we are running out of the resources of a whole year to live sustainably.
"It is very important we unite to solve all these problems, and many solutions are just in front of us and without even knowing.
Be part of our Rescue Team and let's make a difference. "

Rocío Ruiz
Rescue The Planet Co-Founder
"We have to fight against two things:
Lack of knowledge and indifference.
And this is only achieved by informing people with the truth and connecting with their emotions. "

Sergio Izquierdo
Rescue The Planet Director