How we do it?ExpeditionsEducationProductionsScienceCampaignsBroadcast.

Bringing the truth to large numbers of people is what can save us.
Our approach is to use science and generate world-class images and videos, using web and social media platforms, as well as written, digital, radio and tv media both local (where problems occur), and international (such as National Geographic en Español and CNN en Español).
These strategies have helped us to be highly successful in getting the message out to the masses and driving change by decision makers.

Reach the corners of the world with us
The objective of our expeditions in different parts of the planet is to obtain first-hand information about the problems and scientists in the field, as well as to generate science that encourages change in all of us.
"We have to show the truth by documenting reality in our expeditions, which is often hidden by interests that slow down problem solving."

Sergio Izquierdo
Rescue The Planet Director
Be part of our journeys!
Join us behind the scenes on expeditions and be part of the adventure. Join the Rescue Team and be part of the community of people who contribute monthly so that as a team we continue with our mission to rescue our planet.

World Class Productions
Facing with a world that constantly demands a higher quality of video production and photography, we have the strength of having a team of world class quality. Focused on thinking outside the box, in addition to photography and audiovisual productions, we make videos that are attractive to different types of audience, even taking the message to those audiences that don´t have the environment as a priority.
Did you know?
Every week you are eating the equivalent of a plastic credit card.
By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the sea.
Glaciers are retreating almost everywhere in the world including in the Alps, the Himalayas, the Andes, the Rocky Mountains, Alaska, and Africa.
In the last 50 years, the world's mangroves have been cut in half, and they retain up to 5 times more carbon than tropical forests.
Beach Cleanups
Outrage: Palm Oil Crops Destroys Mangrove
Environmental Tragedy in Honduras and Guatemala

Education, the key to CHANGE
In our mission, we firmly believe that education is the key to a sustainable and prosperous future. We work tirelessly to reach a large number of children and youth, impacting on a massive scale to nurture a generation committed to environmental preservation.
Through innovative educational programs, hands-on activities, and collaborations with local communities, we inspire young minds to become active guardians of our planet. From teaching conservation practices to promoting environmental activism, our comprehensive approach aims to empower future generations to become agents of positive change.

It´s important to generate science to create knowledge that supports the campaigns, to create awareness, to help and pressure decision makers to recover our planet.
In addition to generating science in our expeditions, we support scientists to disseminate their findings.
There is a dissociation between science and civilians, so it is important to bring your discoveries in a digestible way to different types of audiences.

Innovating the way to reach people
We create our own campaigns and support third-party campaigns, always focused on our fight against plastic pollution, against climate change and in favor of the conservation of biodiversity and natural places.

We generate science and visuals to combat plastic pollution, with a focus on implementing solutions at the source of the problem.
We generate visuals to show our impact on Antarctica, the largest open-air laboratory on our planet.
Mayan Biosphere Reserve
Mayan Biosphere Reserve
The Mayan Biosphere Reserve in Petén Guatemala is being threatened by drug trafficking, management of touristic megaprojects and fires. It is urgent to save it and recover it.
Save Manchón
Save Manchón
Together with Voces del Planeta we are fighting to save the largest mangrove swamp in Central America and RAMSAR site in Guatemala, Manchón Guamuchal, which every year is being contained by the palm oil crops.
SOS Madidi
SOS Madidi
Madidi, in Bolivia, it is one of the most biodiverse places in the world. There is a latent threat to build the largest hydroelectric plant in America that will end up destroying much of it. Development is important, without destroying nature.
Rescue Centers
Rescue Centers
We are constantly helping with content to different rescue centers in Latin America.

The CHANGE is in ONE but multiplied in EVERYONE
Science is useless if it´s not transmitted, and change can´t be generated if the problems and solutions are not broadcasted. This is why one of our important pillars is mass dissemination.
This is essential to save the planet, also fighting against a competition of wrong messages, even generated through other environmental organizations that are used as Green Washing to hide the impact of pollution and destruction from certain industries.

Be Part of Our Mission
Donate Montly
Donate Monthly
Be part of our Rescue Team and help us monthly with the mission of generate change through taking the message to large numbers of people.
Donate Once
Donate Once
Any contribution is important to be part of this mission. In the end we are all in the same boat (planet) and we have to rescue it.
Lets Rescue Our Planet
Lets Rescue Our Planet
Albert Einstein said, the same actions lead to the same results. We must change the course of many things, spreading the threats and actions to take to as many people as possible.