Help us do our job
The Planet needs each of us in order to rescue it.
Join #RescueTeam, a community concerned about creating change today.Reaching THOUSANDS through education, campaigns and media.
10 years impacting Latin America.
Rescue the Planet is an Non Profit Organization that was founded in 2014 in Guatemala, impacting the whole of Meso America.Our documentary Plasticsphere
Support our educational program
Our goal for 2024 is to reach over 40,000 students in public schools, high schools, and universities.
"We must wake up and get out of our bubble. Nature, animals and our future generations urgently need us to rescue the planet.
It´s too late to be pessimistic.
Eminent action and hope is the only thing left for us."

Sergio Izquierdo
Rescue The Planet Director
"Facing so many wrong messages in the wold, even badly intended by industries, that only anesthetized our conscience, makes the path to our planet destruction continue in the same direction.
That´s why we must bring the message of truth to many, to achieve tangible changes."

Rocío Ruiz
Rescue The Planet Co-founder

The solutions are in our hands.
We just have to spread it with the truth.
Act Today to Rescue The Planet!
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Be part of our Rescue Team and help us monthly with the mission of generate change through taking the message to large numbers of people.
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Any contribution is important to be part of this mission. In the end we are all in the same boat (planet) and we have to rescue it.
Lets Rescue Our Planet
Lets Rescue Our Planet
Albert Einstein said, the same actions lead to the same results. We must change the course of many things, spreading the threats and actions to take to as many people as possible.